THE 4 w lIFE:
The 4 W Life is essential to our mission as we plant Ascend Bible Church. We believe this represents clearly the process of discipleship for the believer, and provides language for us to encourage one another in our growth towards Christ.

Worship is the response of praise and adoration to God because of who God is.

Walk is the daily rhythm of abiding in Christ that leads to increasing Christlikeness.

Work is the stewardship of all that God has given us to lovingly and sacrificially serve the body of Christ.

Witness is the obedient love to those in my communities by consistently serving and sharing the gospel.
Our Doctrinal Beliefs
The attached document represents the doctrinal beliefs we hold as an Elder team as we plant Ascend Bible Church. We provide this document to give clarity for how our theology will affect our functioning as a local body of believers at Ascend Bible Church.